Essence of Bellydance

by Coco

ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher Training Reviews

I have never felt more inspired in my whole entire life.

 — Lilly, USA, Bellydancer & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

When I came to the first class with Coco I realized this is someone giving me tools to get to know myself deeper, and that's why I kept on coming. Later I met the first teachers she trained and I was fascinated that her method worked through these women as well. So I decided to become one of them.I feel proud to be in that long line of women who keep passing this dance on to other women. I like that spirit of togetherness.

 — Eva, Germany, Documentary Filmmaker & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Essence is not your usual Bellydance, it's a method where you train your pelvic floor with Bellydnace moves. Through the pelvic floor activation I noticed that my entire body changed. My posture is great, I feel relaxed but at the same time energized. My sensuality is activated and I feel amazing, more myself now.

 —  Kadriya, Germany, School Teacher and ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Bellydance Teacher Training

I realized how free we can be. It gave me a new direction in my life and I discovered so many new things that I want to do in my life.

 — Manuela, Germany, Web Developer & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

It was a life-changing process. You get the entire method on your hands. You develop an incredible awareness of your body and learn to trust it. The strong connection between body and mind gives me a tremendous presence in my daily life.

 — Sarina, Germany, Manager & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

I loved the sacredness of being in a female circle because I witnessed so many miracles. At first, I was a little closed up but then my heart was opening up and I could also see it in other sisters in the circle. Through our collective, we can open up and heal each other. The sisterhood and this circle were one of the best things for me.

 — Gloria, USA, Scientist & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Bellydance Teacher Training

The teacher training made me more creative, more connected to my feelings and so much more confident. But the best thing is the team that we became, I feel that I have a family now.

 — Solli, Germany, Psychology Student & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

I was fascinated by Coco's structured and at the same time light and playful approach to Bellydance. I already was a teacher I but have learned immensely. I would recommend the training to everybody. I didn't feel that I had an advantage because I already was a teacher. You can also join without any experience in Bellydance because this approach is so fresh and new. You get so much out of it for your personal growth. I think everybody should do this training.

 — Wiebke, Mexico, ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ & Yoga Teacher, Pregnancy Specialist

This teacher training is what you need if you want to become a really good teacher. You get to know yourself and you learn to learn. Now I can share with my students what I always loved about dancing: to get into your body and to dance from the inside. With Essence you get the technique with which you can build all the beautiful moves that you normally see on videos and you think they are impossible to master.

 — Cami, Germany/Ecuador, Biology Student, Bellydancer & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Bellydance Teacher Training

Essence taught me not to take my life too serious. I was stressed and always busy, I felt so much pressure that I almost forgot to enjoy life and be happy with myself. Now, dancing reminds me of that, it’s a simple way to remind you to love yourself. Many people don’t know how to be present in their own bodies. In dancing, you feel yourself. It’s an opportunity to grow.

 — Agate, Bali, Artist & Bellydancer

It has changed so much in my life. Before I was living in my head, and I ignored the signals of my body without even realizing it. Now I feel so good, relaxed, and at home with myself. It’s so liberating.

 — Jasmin, Bremen, Germany, Student & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

The teacher training is for women who want to experience something new, get in touch with their emotions and reach new horizons. Even when you have no previous education you will be guided through the program in a relaxed way and you have the time to develop everything for yourself.

 — Sarina, Germany, Manager & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Bellydance Teacher Training

It’s a holistic approach and has benefited me on so many levels. I have more body awareness and am more connected to myself. Especially the connection to my pelvic floor was a game changer for me.
The way that we all connected together and Coco’s approach is fantastic.

 —  Anastasia, Norway, Dancer & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Coco is amazing, you can always ask her questions, even afterward, she can always help you. I feel this is such an incredible thing to have in your life from a person that is so inspiring and has all the answers. And if there is no answer, there is always an advice how you can find the answer by yourself. It was definitely not what I expected, it was much better. It gave me everything that I need.

 —  Sofiya, Berlin, Professional Dancer & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Thank you for the beautiful space in the teachers training, it created beautiful bonds with amazing people and I’m very happy that I've been a part of this journey.

 — Alice, France, Actress & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Bellydance Teacher Training

I love teaching Essence! I give a lot of energy, but it gives me so much back to see how the girls enjoy themselves. When they come to the first class they are so tense and then you see them transform to sexy self loving women. And we are an amazing team at Essence, I can learn so much from the others. We can ask Coco anything, we get updates and exclusive retrainings so we keep on growing and Coco always has our back.

 —  Jana, Germany, Banker, Burlesque & Bellydancr and ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

It was amazing, meeting so many women from all over the world and seeing the lightness and joy that Coco brings into this dance. I recommend the teacher training to every woman, no matter your age or skill level. Every woman learns what she needs for herself in this huge program. Thank you Coco, it was a great gift to be part of your teacher training.

 —  Inna, Germany, Mandala Dance & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

In the mornings I often had a blockade in my neck and needed to get adjusted by a chiropractic, this has completely stopped after the teacher training. Now I feel how stress affects my spine, but through my daily practice my spine is much more flexible and capable and I can correct and mobilize myself easily.

 —  Michaela, Germany, School Teacher and ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

I thought I needed to have more experience, but the course has been really understanding the foundation and progress from there - which has everything to do with the teaching aspect. It helps me to teach myself so I can be a better performer and then eventually go into teaching.

 — Noelleen, England, Nurse & Bellydancer

Coco was really how I thought she would be, she has so much energy and is so passionate about dance but has also a different background with pelvic floor integration, meditation and body awareness. I was really blown away by the method.

 —  Daya, Germany, Theater Pedagogue, ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

I came to Coco Berlin because I love teachers who teach holistically and integrate body, soul, mind and the heart. I felt like dancing my heart and connecting with women and creating a real community. My body changed a lot, and my body consciousness. I'm more aware of what I'm eating and how I'm walking, I feel more embodied and more present.

 — Sonja, Germany/Switzerland/Portugal, Soulresponding Coach & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Bellydance Teacher Training

I was so different before I came here. Now I can say whatever I want. I don’t limit my mind. I let others think whatever they want about me. I don’t have self-doubts anymore. I know that I can do whatever I want. That makes me really optimistic about everything I do. I always feel safe.

 — Agate, Bali, Artist & Bellydance Teacher

I was always prone to panic attacks and have been trying to get over it for years. In the teacher training it was incredible to see that all I missed was the connection to my body. The whole experience was like a life coaching session, a training for a lifetime.

 — Sofiya, Berlin, Professional Dancer & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

You really connect with every part of your body and you make it one. It’s about letting go and discovering your inner strengths and your unique abilities.

 — Anastasia, Norway, Dancer & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Bellydance Teacher Training

The Essence community was a real gift for me. We were instantly connected, we accept each other and support each other, I can be authentically myself. Now I have the feeling that I am not alone as a woman, dancer and teacher. I know there is a group of women who think and feel similar me. I can share my success and my problems and they give me honest feedback and support. It's a real friendship.

 —  Kadriya, Germany, School Teacher and ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

I’m a scientist and I just love this perfect blend between science and soul.

 — Gloria, USA, Scientist & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

I was able to re-experience my body and express myself as a dancer. Through the integration of the pelvic floor, I gained new stability in my body.

 — Dana, Germany, Educationist & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Sofiya is a professional dancer and teacher and since 2019 a certified ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher in Berlin.
Eva is a documentary film maker and since 2014 a certified ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher in Berlin.
Manuela is a web devoloper from Berlin and since 2018 a certified ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher.
Sonja is a Soulresponding Coach based in Berlin, Germany / St. Gallen, Switzerland and since 2017 a certified ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher.
Lisa is a student based in Gießen, Germany and since 2019 a certified ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher.
Solli is a Psychology student from Berlin and and since 2017 a certified ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher.
Beatrice ist a Physiotherapist and Yoga teacher in Hamburg, Germany and since 2020 a certified ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher.
GERMAN: Shanti is Yoga teacher and since 2015 a certified ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher in Bonn, Germany.
GERMAN: Camila is a student, a Bellydancer and since 2015 a certified ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher in Göttingen, Germany.
Bellydance Teacher Training

It’s for women who want to challenge themselves and who want to go through a process of growth. It's for women who want to change something in themselves and in their lives and who have this desire to create something for themselves.

 —  Alice, France, Actress & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

I really liked the community, the atmosphere was open and intimate. There was no competition, everybody was helping each other and I felt very safe. You always leave the training feeling happy. Even if I wouldn’t want to become a bellydancer or teacher, I wouldn’t regret a cent spent because it was such an amazing experience for myself.

 — Anna, Germany, Clerk & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

On the one hand, my body has changed through the training, it became more toned. On the other hand, I grew more self-confident. Through the community and the positive feedback, I realized that I actually can do it all. I can't wait to start my first course in a few days.

 —  Joanne, Germany, Assistant & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Bellydance Teacher Training

I was always interested in the holistic and health aspects of dancing, but the Essence teacher training opened entirely new horizons for me. Today I dance much more grounded, have a greater presence and significantly more feminine power. It gave me the courage to teach and today I run 3 courses.

 —  Afraa, Germany, Graphic Designer, Bellydancer and ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE works great with Yoga. It has helped me personally, for my alignment, my form, my quality, my femininity. It helps me in every day life, in my yoga practice and in my teaching. It was a benefit on all levels and I can only recommend it, it will benefit every woman.

 — Shanti, Germany, Yoga & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

All participants were amazing women with different backgrounds and it was so heartwarming to share problems, solutions and experiences. Coco is a fascinating woman and shares so much love and so much wisdom. She always has time for our questions, she never holds back and shares all her wisdom, trade secrets and experiences, you always get great advice.

 —  Daya, Germany, Theater Pedagogue, Bellydancer and ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Bellydance Teacher Training

I will definitely use Essence as part of my work as Soulresponding coach and teacher because it's so important to connect with the body when you work with mental issues, this part was missing before. If you don't feel comfortable with your body if you don't feel beautiful. Please join Essence because from the first day on you will feel better.

 — Sonja, Germany/Switzerland/Portugal, Soulresponding Coach & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Coco's style is more holistic, current and dynamic. I've learned patience, discipline, making it more of a lifestyle, looking at myself as a person and growing through this journey. It has been the best foundation for me to really excel further. And it has made me more aware of myself and how I am with others.
I see more potential in my direction and I am delighted to embark on this journey. I know now I'm in alignment with who I am. If dance is something you really want to pursue, it can take you to that dream.

 — Noelleen, England, Nurse & Bellydancer

Bellydance Teacher Training

The teacher training felt like entering a new world. Coco created a safe space where we could open up about things that you normally don't talk about and that was very nourishing and precious. I would say we became soulmates. We just met for 6 days but they were so intense that I'm sure we're gonna stay connected.

 — Eva, Germany, Documentary Filmmaker & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Parallel to my scientific career I wanted to do something for myself. I have been Bellydancing for five years but Essence brought it all to a different level. It prompted me to reinvent myself. Essence is not only a dance philosophy but profound human wisdom that translates to all aspects of your life. It's not just something you learn and teach, it's something you live and are.

 —  Kadriya, Germany, School Teacher and ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Essence showed me a new way to be in my body, with my trained pelvic floor I feel different, I walk differently, I dance differently. My friends tell me that I dance with much more feeling and intensity. It has definitely changed my lifestyle and showed me how I can develop my full potential.
The teacher training is for dancers who want to learn how their body works and how to effectively train themselves but also for women who have never danced and have no body awareness so they can get into their body through dance.

 — Cami, Germany/Ecuador, Biology Student, Bellydancer & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Bellydance Teacher Training

Now I am part of ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE and can pass on to my dance students the perfect harmony and balance that I found for myself with this method. My technique is more complete now, it's clean and precise. I work with my body, starting the movements from the inside out. I recommend ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE as a therapy for a healthier and happier life.

 — Olga, Spain, Flamenco & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

I was intimidated when I decided to come because I am a woman in my 40s and I thought that I am too old for this, but now I think it’s for women of all ages who want to give themselves permission to explore their connection to themselves.

 — Gloria, USA, Scientist & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

I wasn’t sure if I’m a dancer and if I can be a teacher. I never thought I could create a choreography, because I’m not an artist. But in the training you learn things about yourself that you weren’t expecting in yourself. You discover new abilities. There is so much knowledge already inside of you. I became more confident overall.

 — Lisa, Gießen, Nutritionist & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Bellydance Teacher Training

The training taught me to be comfortable in my own body. I saw that I can be vulnerable and just me in my own skin, just natural and wonderful. I am more focus driven now and I can't wait to get back to the states and share this method with others. It took me about a year to save up and come to Berlin but it was so worth it. For every euro that is spend, you will learn so much about yourself. I can't wait to be back next summer.

 — Lilly, USA, Bellydancer, Yogi & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

I moved to Mexico from Germany and lost the connection to my dance community and also to myself, that's why I love our Essence teacher community. You will never feel alone anymore, no matter where you are in the world.

 — Wiebke, Mexico, ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ & Yoga Teacher, Pregnancy Specialist

I have never seen so many powerful women in one room. I found a lot of new friends and got so many new impulses. Every woman is welcome here, it’s such a nice sisterhood and I’m proud to be part of it.

 — Manuela, Germany, Web Developer & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Bellydance Teacher Training

The teacher training gave me important tools to finally dive into teaching. I had been doing some courses before that, but always felt unsure and like a fraud since there was nothing concise about my teaching. Yet after the training I felt like I could finally call myself a teacher and be helpful to my students. I think the essence method is really great to break down movements for beginners, but also to improve even if you already have experience. It also opened up more teaching possibilities and I was able to work at the Uni in Göttingen.

 — Cami, Germany/Ecuador, Biology Student, Bellydancer & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Every woman should do it!You don’t need to become a dancer or teacher, it helps you to feel at home in your body. You learn so much about yourself, your body and your emotions and how everything works together.

 — Joanne, Germany, Assistant & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

The training is well structured and you learn everything you need from the ground up. Join as early as possible, then you will have more time to go through all the movements online before the training even starts.

 — Anna, Germany, Clerk & ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Bellydance Teacher Training

After the pregnancy with my twins, I was thrown off balance and didn't feel good. Through the Essence teacher training I got a new impulse for my life. In the Teacher training I saw how my body awareness and my pelvic floor changed within a short period of time. Now I feel great in my body. Essence helps us women to feel ourselves again and to become more playful, joyful and alive.

 —  Michaela, Germany, School Teacher and ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

I am amazed be the Teacher Training, I learned so much about myself, my body, the dance, for performing and teaching but also for my personal life. I really found myself, this body awareness helps me to stay connected to myself in all aspects of my life, even in difficult situations. I don't feel so pressured by stress anymore, I am not so anxious and nervous anymore. I was such a head person and Essence helped me to let go.

 —  Jana, Germany, Banker, Burlesque & Bellydancer and ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Teacher

Gloria is a scientist with a Ph.D in Cancer Biology based in Utah, USA and since 2018 a certified ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher.
Alice is an actress from France / Australia and since 2018 a certified ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher.
Noelleen is a nurse from Birmingham, UK and participated 2017 in the ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher training.
Anastasia is a language teacher based in Svelvik, Norway and since 2019 an ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher.
Lilly is a Bellydancer and yogi from Madison, USA and and since 2018 a certified ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher.
GERMAN: Rebecca is the assistant director in the theater Stuttgart, Germany and and since 2020 a certified ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher.
GERMAN: Wiebke is a professional Bellydancer and expert on prenatal and postnatal training in Mexico. Since 2017 she is a certified ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher.
Daya is a Bellydancer and dance pedagogue based in Nürnberg, Germany. She is a certified ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher since 2014.
GERMAN: Sarina works at the airport in Munich, Germany and is since 2018 a certified ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher.
GERMAN: Katja is a Bellydancer and shool teacher in Berlin, Germany and since 2014 a certified ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher.

Be the Inspiration

Do you want to enjoy a live of dance and inspire other women? Then join our growing international community of excellent belly dance teachers.

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If you are curious and and want to dip your toes into the ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ method, come over to our Free Online Classes